Serving Others

Sharing Christ’s love

At FPC Cleveland, we are committed to caring for those in need, both in our community and across the world. Recent activities include:

Collecting donations for the White County Food Pantry as part of the “Souper Bowl of Caring” on Super Bowl Sunday. We also maintain a food supply designed to aid the homeless in the Cleveland area.

Serving the residents and staff of a local nursing home by donating K-cup coffee cups and by holding monthly sing-alongs.

Supporting the Joyful Ladies Sewing School in Njoro, Kenya, and its goal of helping women to learn a skill and rise out of poverty. 

Filling shoe boxes for the  Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

Purchasing gifts for families in need through the White Christmas program administered by Family Connections in White County.

We also participate in denomination-wide projects, including:

One Great Hour of Sharing supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Hunger Programs (PHP), and Self-Development of People, which addresses anti-poverty initiatives, and is collected during Lent.

The Pentecost Offering supports children at risk, youth, and young adult and is collected on Pentecost.

The Peace and Global Witness offering supports peacemaking and reconciliation and is collected on Worldwide Communion Sunday.

The Christmas Joy offering is collected during Advent and supports church leaders – past, present, and future.

Shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.